Welcome to my blog website.  My name is Heather Doyle and I am a counselling therapist in Nova Scotia, Canada.   I work exclusively with women as we navigate the challenges embedded in the second half of life.   It is a stage of life given little recognition and yet one of the most complex.
         As our earlier roles, responsibilities, and identities change or fall away, it’s common for women to stand at the threshold of life’s next chapter ill-prepared.   We can experience confusion, loneliness, or anxiety.  Who are we without our earlier identities?   How do we learn to thrive with the changes, let go of all that we must, and care for ourselves as we go forward?  This experience of confusion and questioning can become the catalyst for growth as we explore new possibilities. 
        By working to grow beyond our earlier roles and identities, our attachment to the opinions of others, relationships that are not nurturing, and antiquated beliefs that damage our sense of self, we can re-discover and embrace the totality of who we are.
       This blog website is a further commitment to my work of encouraging and supporting women.   Here I will post articles that I hope will be thought-provoking and stimulate conversations.   It has been my interest for some years to write a book for women, on the topic of aging honestly, and this blog website will provide the foundation for that book.   
       I look forward to connecting with you.   I hope you will share your thoughts on the blog posts as we all use this space to encourage and support one another.
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